Manila: Flora, Vanji, Vanessa, & Ashton

First impression of Manila, Philippines was WOW, TRAFFIC. And that’s coming from Los Angeles locals… We took a taxi to Quezon City, about 40km north of the airport, and what should have been an hour ride took 3 hours in the wildest rush of cars, motorbikes, jeepneys, and pedestrians. Basically it’s a free-for-all. Instead of traffic lights men stand in the road (no uniforms) and wave you on or signal you to stop.

Thankfully we arrived to a warm welcome, as we stayed with a friend-of-a-family-friend of Brad’s (no typo, it was a loose connection but we were so glad to have it). Flora & Vanji are cousins, our age, and cooked DELICIOUS Philippino food twice a day. They revolutionized breakfast in my eyes. We joke about the fact that we were never able to take proper photos of our food because every time it was served we were so hungry and it was so delicious we just dove right in. Vanessa is Vanji’s litte sister, and Ashton is their 8 year old family friend. He provided much of the entertainment, teaching us fun games and songs in Tagalog, constantly wanting to play with the three of us. (I’ll upload some SUPER CUTE video footage when I get to a better wifi connection!)
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  1. Happy to hear from you! I loved talking to Sara after no contact for over a week. I have “travel envy” —you guys are experiencing adventures that many only dream of!! Good for you. Love and kisses—

  2. I love seeing your upades and pictures! What does everyone think of how tall Drew is? You look like your having an amazing time keep livin it up!!

    • Just like in America, the first question is always either “how tall are you” or “do you play basketball?” haha. Of course I do, I’m NBA duh!

  3. Wow, they really treated you like family! How wonderful! It looks like you are all remembering rule #1 — always smile, and distract them with your beauty :-)

  4. Kool pictures!! And, I loved the reference to St. Mary’s–the name of the school where both my sisters and I attended in Portland, OR. Boy, those nuns get around don’t they!! Can’t wait for the next update~~love, kisses, and blessings to you both!!

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